Friday, July 22, 2011

And after-

Here it is in the final stages. My desk. All I need now is the hardware. I believe I am showing a great deal of patience, every fiber in my being wants to get in the car and run down to Hobby Lobby and buy some, but I am being good and waiting until I need to be in Orem for something other than 8 of the worlds cutest knobs, and the ability to check this off of my list as done! It must be because I am 30. Age brings maturity right? (As I type that sentence I see the humor in it and only because I am laying in bed with the covers over my head tyring to hide from the day ahead of me! Maturity....I laugh in its face.) Speaking of maturity, here are the pictures (finally) of my living room with its Jake-over. And pics of Gracie's new bunk bed, again courtesy of Jake. He is really handy to have around.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Desk after yet.

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."  ~ Leonardo da Vinci

I love living here! I drove twenty minutes up the road and found all of this beauty! Next time I will bring the camera to document everything.

7 Kids, a house remodel, and canning-

Wow! Two words for you- "Wonder Woman" Amazing!!

So, in the midst of all of that, how is your creativity standing up? I feel accomplished if I am able to think about starting a project while Grace is awake. and thinking about it is usually as far as I get.  I am usually capable of looking at other people's creativity though. Which brings me to Paisley Pomegranate...check them out on FB. Holy Smokes! Your paper NEEDS to be at this store. I heard it calling your name, speaking to your soul, (well actually screaming to my soul, that your soul needs to be displayed there), are you picking up what I'm putting down? You could make some serious cash, and get your name out there.  Tell me what you think after you've seen it.

Yesterday I sat down, wrote back to you on here (and I was quite witty if I do say so myself), posted the comment and nada! It erased the dang thing. So now my comment is being replaced with a post. Oh well.
Today Kyler and Corbin are spending the morning/afternoon with Grace and I. This could be a fun day. A long with trying to keep two VERY busy boys entertained, I might just attempt sanding down my desk, scouting out wildflowers for your paper, and possibly repainting my front door.  What do you think about a glossy grey front door? I was thinking of putting some grey and yellow floral pillows on the chairs on my porch. Hhhmmmm.....something to think about!
Until later--
Be Bold, Be Creative, Be You!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Now you too can blog-

Ok...I did it. I figured out how to add you as an author of this somewhat lame blog. (that will change quickly, as soon as you start blogging on here.) Hopefully it will work for you.  I will send you that paper and flowers today so you can create your amazing magic!
Creative thought for the day-- Buy/look at "Flea Market Style" There is some amazing stuff in that magazine.